“Top 10” Wastes of Readiness…

Published on January 14, 2010 in "Top Ten" Lists | No Comments

…that inhibit teams or team members from being fully effective at doing their jobs.

Waste is something that impedes what should otherwise be achieved. It is all the “no value added” steps that occur when trying to do a job. Waste includes actions and activities that, in a more perfect world, should not be necessary. It completes the sentence, “We are going to have trouble completing our mission today because…”

TeamReadiness helps teams of all sizes mitigate and eliminate waste using online procedures, policies, best practices, collaboration tools and training so they can be securely and conveniently shared, accessed, and put to good use by all who need them.

(Rankings are shown in alphabetical order and are not prioritized)

Wastes of Readiness

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